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Physical Education (P.E)

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.

 Curriculum Intent

Buckingham Primary aims to inspire children to develop a passion for physical activity and sports. We believe that by providing high-quality physical education, we can help children acquire knowledge, resilience, and confidence, enabling them to strive for their personal best. Our goal is to instill in our children the values and skills necessary to respect and celebrate the success of others while modestly celebrating their own achievements.

We provide physical education in a way that equips all children with the skills andIMG_0378.JPG mindset to conquer their sporting challenges and maintain active lifestyles beyond primary school. We are committed to educating our children and their families on how to lead healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), students will develop fundamental movement skills and gain confidence while accessing a wide range of opportunities to improve their agility, balance and coordination, both individually and with others. During Key Stage 1 (KS1), all students will develop competence in a variety of physical activities, remain physically active for extended periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities, and lead healthy, active lives. In Key Stage 2 (KS2), students will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to connect them to create sequences of movement. They will have the opportunity to enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other in a variety of school and non-school settings.

P.E Curriculum Map 2024 - 2025

This is how we teach P.E (Implementation)

P.E is taught twice a week with one indoor and one outdoor lesson. We designed our curriculum to repeat each sport and activity yearly to help children build on prior learning, develop confidence, and improve their physical literacy.

 EYFS has two strands for Physical Development: Moving and Handling, and Health and Self-care. Key Stage One requirements include developing basic movements, participating in team games, and performing simple dance movements.

In Key Stage Two, children build upon basic skills, play competitive games, develop physical fitness and technique, perform dances, take part in outdoor activities, and track their progress.

In addition, children learn to swim using different strokes and perform safe self-rescue in water-based situations; aiming to competently swim over 25 metres.

Teachers assess children's Physical Education progress throughout a unit by monitoring their skills against learning objectives, including Physical, Social, Emotional and Thinking skills. This allows for individual termly assessment of attainment and achievement for each child, both indoor and outdoor.