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Let's see what we have been up to at Buckingham Primary School....


Buckingham Primary School's Official Facebook Page 

This page is to keep our families, staff, and community updated on events, news, and achievements from our amazing school. Follow us HERE for the latest updates, photos, and announcements. We look forward to sharing the wonderful moments from our school with you all so don't forget to look out for them - please like and share our page with other families too so they don't miss out!



Let's take a look at what the children have been up to...



In the nursery, we have been exploring different textures through exciting sensory activities! The children have loNursery - 1.jpgved getting messy with shaving foam, squishing and stretching cooked spaghetti and smashing ice to uncover hidden surprises.

These hands-on activities are not only enjoyable but also provide wonderful opportunities for the children to explore a variety of textures, from soft and slimy to hard and slippery. Through play, they are expanding their vocabulary by learning new words to describe how things feel, which supports their language development while engaging their senses and creativity.








Christmas came to Reception with a fabulous Christmas Jumper Day and a Christmas Party. The children played musical statues and musical bumps and danced the afternoon away. All the children and staff had a very merry festive time.Reception2.JPG

Year One

Year One really sparkled and shone in their Christmas production 'Say Hello to Little Jo'. The children showed great enthusiasm when singing and acting. It was lovely to see how much they have grown in confidence since the beginning of the year.Year 1 - 1.JPG

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Year Two

Year Two thoroughly enjoyed performing their show, ‘Christmas Counts’ on Thursday 12th December. The children did a great job with learning their lines, actions and eight songs. In their performance, they used wonderful, expressive voices, brilliants acting, excellent actions and beautiful singing. Well done Year Two! We are all very proud of you!
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Year Three

In our Design and Technology lessons, we designed and made a shaduf. This was used in Ancient Egyptian times to get water from the River Nile to water crops. We had to make a sturdy base and attach a lever with a bucket on. We tested our shadufs and evaluated them.Year 3 - 1.jpg


Year Four

In Science, Year Four have been learning about the digestive system. The children selected the equipment they wanted to use to create their own digestive system model demonstrating the journey of food through the body.
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Year Five

What a lot of festive fun Year Five have had! Using the glockenspiels in the Music room, they have practised playing Year 5 - 4.pngalong with Bacharach Anorak, along with some festive favourites. We have also rewritten The Twelve Days of Christmas and learned to perform them – gone are turtle doves, maids-a-milking and in are trips to Paris, shopping sprees and high-speed cars! Continuing the theme of performance, some of our Year Five pupils read our poem from Guided Reading in assembly - Take Care of Your Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah –with fantastic pace and expression. Finally, we were so proud of the poems we produced for the Poetry Competition that we created our own anthology which we presented to the library so that everyone can enjoy them.






Year Six

Year Six have completed the Bikeability training. The course lasted five sessions where children are taught to ride their bikes safely on the roads. Despite some very cold weather, Year Six have really enjoyed this experience and hopefully they have taken on board the road safety lessons that they have learnt.year 6 - 2.jpg







Slideshow: Year Three Harvest Celebration Assembly 2024